Meet Susan Krauss, founder of Boost! Child and Family Services in Westport. Susan is a licensed psychotherapist who has worked with children, adults and families for over twenty years. She earned a Bachelor's Degree from Cornell University with a major in Child Development and Family Studies and a Masters in Social Work from New York University. She lived and worked in China for 4 years and originally launched Boost! there as a series of group programming!
Susan decided to launch Boost! because she wanted to offer families a safe space where they could find mental health and support services for their entire family under one roof. She saw a need for a full-service counseling center where we could help children and families by providing individual, family and group counseling as well as testing and psychiatric support.
When asked about advice for staying positive during this pandemic she explains how we are all being challenged in ways that are unique. Navigating this time requires flexibility and the ability to adapt and draw upon resources we may never have needed to access before. Don't be afraid to ask for help and acknowledge that you need support. We can't travel these unchartered waters alone. Embrace simplicity, calm, friendship and love.
Boost! Child and family services just launched a new division of our business this summer called Boost! University - designed to support college students through an expansive, virtual model of care. They also offer virtual sessions for anyone interested and just started in-person appointments again!
Boost! Child and Family Services:
(203) 557-8444
500 Post Road East, 2nd floor
Westport, CT 06880